They Are Billions Wiki

In-game Description[]

"Generates Oil. It must be placed over an oil pool."

General Information[]

An Oil Platform is a building that provides oil for the colony. It is a late game building that requires to be researched in the Foundry. It generates 10 oil every 8 hours.

The building has to be placed in 2x2 oil pools. These are pre-generated and can be found around the map.


Below is the table of return of investment in oil rig, assuming all oil is sold. Maintenance of single Mill is included, but initial cost of stone and iron is not.

Oil Production Per Cycle 1 Market 2 Markets 3 Markets
10 Never 15.3 days 6.9 days
12 (with warehouse) 40 days 8.25 days 4.6 days

If map has little fertile soil, oil can allow upgrading Farms into Advanced Farms, increasing possible maximum population and income from housing.

Oil is consumed as maintenance cost by all Engineering Center units, even if they are only queued. It's possible to overspend oil on units and not be able to upgrade Ballistas to Executors before the final wave.
